西安电子科技大学通信工程学院邀请Zuqing Zhu老师作了一场题为“Orchestrating Multicast-Oriented NFV Trees in Inter-DC Elastic Optical Networks(国米-DC弹性光网络组播编排面向NFV树)”的讲座。西安电子科技大学通信工程学院是为国家培养通信领域高层次人才和科学研究的主要基地,是我国最早从事通信工程高等教育的院系之一,现为国家“985工程优势学科创新平台”、“211工程”、“111计划”重点建设。 设有通信与信息系统和密码学两个国家重点学科(均为批准的首批硕士点、博士点)和3个国家特色专业。在职研究生讲座的主要内容是:
原文:It is known that by incorporating network function virtualization (NFV) in inter-datacenter (inter-DC) networks, we can use the network resources more intelligently to deploy new services faster. This paper considers an inter-DC elastic optical network (IDC-EON) and studies how to orchestrate the multicast-oriented NFV trees (M-NFV-Ts) in it efficiently. We first consider an offline scenario in which all the M-NFV-Ts are known and need to be served in the network. A mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model is formulated to solve the problem exactly, and we also propose a heuristic based on path-intersection (PI) to reduce the time complexity. With extensive simulations, we show that the proposed heuristic can approximate the MILP's performance on low-cost M-NFV-T provisioning but only requires much shorter running time. Next, the online scenario where the M-NFV-Ts can come and leave on-the-fly is addressed, and we leverage PI to design two online algorithms for orchestrating dynamic M-NFV-Ts in IDC-EONs, i.e., with either the batch (B-PI) or sequential (S-PI) scheme. Simulation results indicate that compared with S-PI, B-PI can reduce blocking probability effectively.