中国科学院计算数学与科学工程计算研究所于海军研究员作了一场题为“Sparse grid spectral methods for high-dimensional PDEs(稀疏的网格光谱方法高维偏微分方程)”的在职研究生讲座,中国科学院硕士学位授权一级学科 53个,分布在哲学、经济学、法学、教育学、文学、理学、工学、 农学、医学、管理学10个学科门类,覆盖了54个一级学科。此外,国科大还拥有工程、工商管理、应用统计、应用心理、翻译、农业推广、药学、工程管理 8 类专业学位授权点。另外,中国科学院各研究所还拥有169个博士后流动站。讲座的主要内容是:
原文:Sparse grid method is one of the popular methods to handle high-dimensional problems. It was first introduced in 1960sby Russian mathematician Smolyak to deal with the interpolation of tenor product functions. In 1990s, several German mathematician extend sparse grid methods to solving high dimensional PDEs. Very attractive convergence properties were obtained for the sparse grid methods with low-order finite element bases, which make the method popular. In this talk, I will introduce sparse grid methods built with spectral bases, which has spectral convergence for functions smooth enough. I will also discuss the efficient implementation of sparse grid spectral methods using nested Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto points, together with some extensions and applications.