东华大学理学院邀请ZhenqingChen教授作了一场题为“Anomalous diffusions and fractional order differential equations(反常扩散与分数阶微分方程)”的简介,东华学院现有四个本科生专业,四个硕士点,本科专业包括数学与应用数学(金融工程)、统计学、光电子科学与技术、应用物理学(光电信息技术、等离子体与新能源技术)。硕士研究生专业包括基础数学、应用数学、等离子体物理、固体力学。讲座的主要内容是:
原文:Anomalous diffusion phenomenon has been observed in many natural systems, from the signalling of biological cells, to the foraging behaviour of animals, to the travel times of contaminants in groundwater. I will first discuss the connections between anomalous diffusions and differential equations of fractional order, and then present some recent results in the study of heat kernels for non-local operators of fractional order.