陕西师范大学计算机科学学院邀请冯宝峰教授作了一场题为“The Hunter-Saxton equation and its two-component generalization(亨特-萨克斯顿方程及其双组分概括)”,计算机科学学院现有计算机软件与理论和计算机应用技术两个硕士点,开设有计算机科学技术(师范、非师范)和信息管理与信息系统二个本科专业,学院还承担着全校计算机公共课的教学任务。讲座的主要内容是:
我们将呈现怎样的亨特 - 萨克斯顿方程及其双组分概括可以从KP-户层次来获得。有趣的是,在双组分亨特-萨克斯顿方程和的Camassa-Holm方程共享同一组双线性方程但通过不同的速端转换。多孤子解构造和一个和两个孤子解的一些性质进行分析。这是在陕西师范大学与楼森岳教授在宁波大学和Ruoxia姚先生联合工作。
原文:We will show how the Hunter-Saxton equation and its two-component generalization can be obtained from KP-Toda hierarchy. It is interesting that the two-component Hunter-Saxton equation and the Camassa-Holm equation share the same set of bilinear equations but through different hodograph transformations. The multi-soliton solutions is constructed and some properties of one and two-soliton solutions will be analyzed. This is joint work with Prof. Senyue Lou at Ningbo University and Prof. Ruoxia Yao at Shaanxi Normal University.