北京大学教务部全球视野下的中国历史与文化课程(Chinese History and Culture in a Global Context)由高艳丽老师讲授。帮助在职研究生学生了解中国的显著的历史事件,中国神话,传说,以及有影响力的哲学思想,中国古代发明和教育体制,社会礼仪,家庭结构,在现代社会中女性角色的变化,中国的外交政策,中国与西方,民族和其他主题的互动。所有的分析和讨论,将投入全球范围内。学生须密切关注,以每天发生的事情在现代中国,并提出有关的意见。
This course is designed to help students understand China’s significant historical events, Chinese myths, legends, and influential philosophical thoughts, Ancient Chinese inventions and education system, social rituals and family structure, female role change in modern society, China’s political structure and foreign policy, China’s interaction with the West, nationalism and the other topics. All analyses and discussions will be put into a global context. Students are required to follow closely to what is happening in modern China on a daily basis and put forward your views in relation to what you have learnt in class. This course offers different perspectives on Chinese history and culture. Through lectures, presentations, videos, discussions, and some other activities, students will be able to have a better understanding of China, especially how the Chinese think and behave, how to get along with them, and how to do business with the Chinese.