焦倩:新加坡国立大学经济学博士,现任中山大学岭南学院讲师。主要研究领域为应用微观理论,竞争与拍卖,和产业组织理论。学术论文发表于Public Choice, Pacific Economic Review等经济学国际期刊上。
原文:This article considers a rent-seeking model with two types of agents. A group of agents has two types of valuation of the rent. One of the agents is selected as the winner based on contest success function with constant returns to scale. We first characterize the pure strategy Nash equilibrium. Then examine how the equilibrium effort ratio, the prize dissipation ratios, and the total effort level respond when the heterogeneity of agents changes or when agents composition changes. Based on these equilibrium analyses, we investigate whether adding a preliminary stage can benefit a contest organizer who aims at maximizing total expected effort from all agents. The optimal contest structure has been fully characterized at different level of heterogeneity and agents composition.