Dissertation Manual
School of Finance
Shanghai University of Finance & Economics
Preparing Your Dissertation
Organization of the Dissertation
Cover Page
Overall Appearance
Organization of the Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
Main Text
Appendices (optional)
Index (optional)
Line spacing
Page numbers
Title Page
Sample of Table of Contents
Copyright Notice
Figures/Tables/ Equations
Depositing Your Dissertation
This manual provides style instructions for master and doctor students in the School of Finance. Follow these instructions carefully and, should further questions arise, consult the Graduate Students office (RM 103, Yuxiu Building, Phone: 021-000000).
Preparing Your Dissertation
Cover Page: You may get 15-20 cover pages for free from the print house behind Red Tile Building. Please bring your student card with you when you go there. Cover pages for master students are green and those for doctor students are blue.
Overall Appearance: The dissertation must be clear and legible, free of errors, and attractive in appearance. All pages must be printed on one side of the paper only.
Organization of the Dissertation: The dissertation must be organized as follows:
Preliminary Pages, in the following order:
Title Page
Copyright Notice (optional)
Dedication (optional)
Acknowledgment (optional)
Abstract (English & Chinese Version)
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
Preface (optional)
Main Text
Appendices (optional)
Index (optional)
Left and right margins: 3.2cm
Top and bottom margins: 3.8cm
All text footnotes must be inside these boundaries. The header and footer are set to be 3.0 cm from the edges.
Line spacing: For the sake of readability, it is recommended that the text of the dissertation be double-spaced (except for footnotes, long quoted passages, and lists of tables and figures, which are single-spaced). If desired, authors may choose to single space their dissertations.
Font: For readability, use Arial (12pt), Georgia (11pt), or Times New Roman (12 pt). For footnotes, citations, figures, and tables, a font of 8 pt or larger may be used. Italics may be used for quotations, words in a foreign language, occasional emphasis, or book titles. Headings may be larger.
Use of Bold, Underlining and Paragraph Indentation: Spare use of these formatting features is permitted, in order to enhance the readability of the dissertation.
Page numbers: Every page in the dissertation has a number, except for the Title Page and the copyright page.
For the preliminary pages – dedication (optional), acknowledgements (optional), abstract, table of contents, list of tables, graphs, illustrations and preface (optional) –use small Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, v, ...). Page numbers may be placed either at the top or the bottom of the page. The title page is counted as page i, and the copyright page (if there is one) as page ii, but do not print the page numbers on either of these two pages (e.g., in a dissertation with a copyright notice, the first numbered page is iii; in a dissertation without a copyright notice, the first numbered page is ii).
For the main text, use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ...) starting with 1 on the first page of the main text. Page numbers may be placed either at the top or the bottom of the page. If you use footnotes, it is recommended that you print page numbers at the page top. Do not print page numbers, footnotes, or anything else in the margins. Pages in the main text must be consecutively numbered, including tables, graphs, illustrations, bibliography and index (if index is included); letter suffixes (such as 10a, 10b) are not allowed.
Check page numbers carefully. Do not include blank pages.
Title Page: The Title Page must contain the TITLE of the dissertation (in upper case); the author's full legal name, hometown and country, and previous degree(s); name of the university where the degree is granted; year of graduation; year the degree is granted; supervisor’s name and title (including his/her department affiliation), and what degree is to be granted.
The title page is understood as page “i” for counting purposes, but no page number should be printed on the title page.(节选)