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Subject: BNP Paribas Ace Manager Challenge ¨C The Second Set: Challenge yourself and win 9 000€ !
Dear student,
Discover Ace Manager Challenge, the online business game presented by BNP Paribas, a European leader in global banking and financial services and one of the 3 strongest banks in the world. After last year¡¯s success, it¡¯s time for the second set. Learn more at:
Entirely designed in English, the game makes you virtually enter the world of tennis, where you become the star financial advisors.
• Think you can manage the assets of a tennis champion?
• Able to help a tennis racket manufacturer grow his business?
• Ready to set up a brand new tennis tournament?
If yes, then don¡¯t miss playing Ace Manager Challenge! Learn new tasks and challenge yourself. And if your team is one of the five best, you will be invited to Paris in April for the finals where you will compete for 9 000€ in prize money and other great prizes.
Interested? Sign-up on acemanager.bnpparibas.com and we will keep you informed with all the details.
Good luck!