北京大学工学院韩平畴讲授中国经济:科技、增长与全球联系在职研究生课程(China Economy: Technology, Growth and Global Connections)将阐述中国在全球化氛围中自改革开放以来的经济及科技发展,将考察其在经济及社会问题上的主要趋势,包括收入增长趋势、劳动力情况、外资投资情况、公私所有制经济情况。
北京大学中国经济: 科技、增长与全球联系课程将展现中国在教育、医疗、家庭经济、环境、法律等层面所获得的进步及挑战。在所有这些话题中,课程将考虑中国独一无二的历史 文化,并结合科技和全球化合作在发展中的地位。课程最后一星期,学生将前往长三角地区(包括上海)访问一些与科技相关的企业与组织。
The course addresses China’s economic and technological development in a global context, circa 1978 to the present. It examines major trends in the economy and society, including trends in income, the workforce, trade, foreign investment, and ownership (i.e., public vs. private.) The class presents China’s progress and challenges in education, healthcare, family economics, environment and law. In all these topics, the course considers China’s unique history and culture while also addressing the role of technology and global partnerships. The final week includes a trip to the Shanghai region to visit tech-related organizations.