苏州大学数学科学学院邀请文晓老师作了一场题为“Structurally stable homoclinic classes(结构稳定的同宿班)”的讲座,数学科学学院现有数学一级学科博、硕士学位授予点(下设基础数学、应用数学、计算数学、概率论与数理统计、运筹学与控制论、数学教育六个二级学科博、在职硕士点),统计学一级学科博、硕士学位授予点(下设数理统计、应用概率、金融风险管理、生物统计、经济统计五个二级学科博、硕士点);应用统计、金融工程在职研究生、学科教育(数学)三个专业硕士学位点;设有数学和统计学博士后流动站以及全国省属高校中唯一的国家理科基础科学研究和教学人才培养基地(数学);数学、统计学均为江苏省一级重点学科;数学与应用数学为“211”重点建设学科。讲座的主要内容是:
原文:In the talk the hyperbolicity of structurally stable homoclinic classes is showed. In a intrinsic way, the structural stability for an individual homoclinic class can be defined through the continuation of periodic points. Since the homoclinic class is not innately locally maximal, it is hard to answer whether structurally stable homoclinic classes are hyperbolic. In the talk, we will show that if a homoclinic class is structurally stable, then it admits a dominated splitting. And also we will show that if a structurally stable classes also admit the shadowing property, then it is hyperbolic.