《应用语言学》是扬州大学外国语学院的一门重要教学科目,外国语学院设有英语(师范)、翻译、商务英语、日语、朝鲜语、法语、阿拉伯语、西班牙语8个本科专业、4个大学英语教学部、1个研究生公共外语教学部。英语(师范)、商务英语、日语、朝鲜语4个专业是江苏省重点专业,英语在职研究生(师范)专业也是江苏省特色专业。学院设有“中外语言文化比较与会通” 二级学科博士点;设有“外国语言文学”一级学科硕士学位点,下设“英语语言文学”、“外国语言学及应用语言学”、“日语语言文学”、“法语语言文学”、“亚非语言文学”、“阿拉伯语语言文学”等六个二级学科硕士学位点。此外,还设有 “翻译硕士”(MTI)专业学位点、“教育硕士”(Ed. M)(英语学科教学)专业学位点、“课程与教学论”硕士学位点(英语方向)。扬州大学《应用语言学》科目教学大纲如下:
第一章 应用语言学简介(An overview of applied linguistics)
1. A Brief History
2. Definition and Scope
3. The Role of Applied Linguistics
4. Theoretical Bases
5. The Nature of Applied Linguistics
第二章 语言、学习与教学(Language, learning and teaching)
1. What is Language
2. What is Learning
3. What is Teaching
4. Relationship Between Learning and Teaching
第三章 语言学习(Human learning)
1. The Nature of Human Learning
2. Philosophical Bases of Learning Theories
3. Major Learning Theories
第四章 母语习得与二语学习(First language acquisition and second language learning)
1. First Language Acquisition, a Complex Task for the Child
2. Some Questions Which Theories of L1 Acquisition must Answer
3. Major L1 Acquisition Theories
4. Some Basic Distinctions Concerning L2 Learning
5. The Nature of Second Language Learning
6. Differences Between Child and Adult L2 Learners
7. Major L2 Learning Theories
8. Case Analysis
第五章 语言学习认知差异 (Cognitive variables of language learning)
1. Types of Learning
2. Strategies of Learning
3. Styles of Learning
4. Case Analysis
第六章 语言学习情感差异(Affective variables of language learning)
1. Attitudes
2. Motivation
3. Personality
4. Humanist Approaches to Personality
第七章 语言学习社会文化差异(Sociocultural variables of language learning)
1. What is Culture
2. Language, thought and Culture
3. Attitudes towards other Culture
4. Acculturation- Learning a second Culture
第八章 比较分析(Contrastive analysis: comparing and contrasting two language)
1. What is Contrastive Analysis (CA)
2. Theoretical Bases and Basic Assumptions
3. Three Versions of the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis
4. Procedures
5. Applications
6. Case Study
第九章 错误分析 (Error analysis: the study of learners’ interlanguage)
1. What is Error Analysis
2. Basic Assumptions
3. Procedures
4. Implications and Applications
5. Some problems and Issues
6. Case Study
第十章 语言测试 (Language testing)
1. What is Testing
2. Requirements of a good Test
3. Types of Language Test
4. Interpretation Test Results
第十一章 语言教学研究 (Language teaching research)
1. What is Research
2. Types of Language Teaching Research
3. Research Procedures and Methods
4. Guidelines for the Classroom Teacher
5. Case Study
1. Schmitt, N. (2006) An Introduction to Applied Linguistics. Oxford University Press Inc., New York
2. 陈昌来(2007).应用语言学导论.北京:商务印书馆
3. 乐眉云(2004).应用语言学.南京:南京师范大学出版社
Dekeyser, R. (2003). Implicit and explicit learning. In C. Doughty and M. Long (Eds.), Handbook of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Blackwell.
Dulay, H. C. & Burt, M. K. (1974). Natural sequences in child second language acquisition. Language Learning, 24, 37-53.
Ellis, R. (2006). Modeling learning difficulty and second language proficiency: The Differential contributions of implicit and explicit knowledge. Applied Linguistics, 27 (3), 431-463.
Gass, S. & Madden, C. (1985). Input in Second Language Acquisition. Newbury House. Krashen, S. (1985). The Input Hypothesis. Longman.
Gass, S. & Selinker, L. (1983). Language Transfer in Language Learning. Newbury House.
Kasper, G. & S. Blum-Kulka (1993). Interlanguage Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Long, M. (1983). Native-speaker/non native-speaker conversation and the negotiation of meaning. Applied Linguistics, 4, 126-141.
Schmidt, R. (1990). The role of consciousness in second language learning. Applied Linguistics, 11, 129-158.
Tarone, E. (1988). Variation in Interlanguage. London: Edward Arnold.
White, L. (1987). Against comprehensible input: The Input Hypothesis and the development of second-language competence. Applied Linguistics, 8, 95-110.