领导系统(leadership system)是指在整个组织中领导职能是如何以正式和非正式的方式实施的,这是决策制定、沟通和实施的依据和方式。它包括决策的结构和机制,双向沟通,领导者和管理者的选拔与培养,对价值观、道德行为、方向和绩效期望的强化。
Leadership System
The term “leadership system” refers to how leadership is exercised, formally and informally, throughout the organization; it is the basis for and the way key decisions are made, communicated, and carried out. It includes structures and mechanisms for decision making; two-way communication; selection and development of leaders and managers; and reinforcement of values, ethical behavior, directions, and performance expectations.
An effective leadership system respects the capabilities and requirements of workforce members and other stakeholders, and it sets high expectations for performance and performance improvement. It builds loyalties and teamwork based on the organization’s vision and values and the pursuit of shared goals. It encourages and supports initiative and appropriate risk taking, subordinates organizational structure to purpose and function, and avoids chains of command that require long decision paths. An effective leadership system includes mechanisms for the leaders to conduct selfexamination, receive feedback, and improve.