北京大学心理学系杨眉讲授人际沟通分析学在职研究生课程(Transactional Analysis)又译交互作用分析学。由美国学者E.伯恩首倡,其要点是研究人们在沟通与交流中相互影响的心理规律,通过分析人们交流中的表现去观察人们,以找出妨碍人沟通的心理原因,并从中提取健康的交流和沟通模式。人际沟通分析学不仅可以帮助我们更好地与他人沟通,而且还向我们提供了与他人实现共同成长的心理学在职研究生方法。目前人际沟通分析学是国际上非常流行的心理学理论之一。这个理论既是一个有效率的心理治疗理论,同时也是一个非常有效率的心理自助工具,可以有效促进人的心理健康,并提升人的生活质量和幸福感。
Transactional Analysis, founded by American psychiatrist Eric Berne, majorly researches the psychology law of transaction within the interpersonal communication.
The theory aims to observe individuals in-depth by analysing their behaviors in the transaction process, in order to reveal the psychological causes obstructive to it and eventually extract constructive and healthy models for communication. Transactional Analysis not only helps people to link-up with others better, but also offers a psycological approch for them to grow together in community. Transactional Analysis is currently one of the most popular theories of psychology throughout the world. It is an effective theory for psychotherapy as well as an efficient method for psychological self-help, which promotes people’s mental health, improves their quality of life and boosts their well-being.