北京大学新闻与传播学院新媒体传播导论课程(Introduction to New Media Communication)由许静、洪家春两位老师讲授。从人人,微博到微信,从网络到手机,新媒体对我们生活的影响正在日益增大。我们应该如何更深入的理解全民织围脖这样的社会现象。
新媒体传播导论在职研究生课程希望介绍一些关于新 媒体的理论,从麦克卢汉,英尼斯,波兹曼,雪莉.特克尔,曼纽尔.卡斯特尔到Richard Ling,并且辅以案例分析来帮助大家理解新媒体对我们日常生活的影响。从印刷,摄影,电话,广播,电影,直到电视,每一个新媒体出现时,都曾给社会带来革命性的变革,并引起学界无数的理论思考。如今,虽然媒体的发展进入到了互联网和手机的时代,但既有的理论仍然可以帮助我们有效剖析正在出现并且还将继续出现的各种新媒体在职研究生和各种新鲜现象。
This course has been designed to help undergraduate students get familiar with basic theories about new communication technologies’ impact upon society. Each new medium of communication, including printing, photography, telephone, radio, movies, television, and cable services, upon its birth provokes belief that it will change the society. Now, it is the turn of the internet and mobile phone. This course will review the evolution and the social implication of the medium with a special focus on social media and mobile communication. As a result of the class, the students are expected to be able to: summarize the history of new media, describe the process of media convergence, discuss the basic new media theories, and identify the core players in new media industry, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Weibo, Wechat, Renren, etc., and understand the ways they are reshaping our everyday lives.