大数据现在是围绕我们生活的每一个角落 - 数据是异构的大容量和变化率高。一个非常艰巨的任务是如何使数据可用数据的消费者。数据不能使自己的生活变得更好,除非我们提供了一种方法来找到这样的大数据海洋她预计“针”。在这次演讲中,我想给我的作品概述改善易用性在异构数据。特别是,我们将谈论的可用性和性能问题上的结构化数据(如关系数据),半结构化数据(如XML),非结构化数据(例如文本),空间数据,时间序列数据(如轨迹),多媒体数据(例如图像和视频)和图形数据(如社交网络)。来自不同域的数据是不共享的用处不大,所以在谈话的最后,我们调出了如何加强信息共享通过社交网络,为用户的用户的话题。
原文:Big data is now around every corner of our life - data is heterogeneous, of large volume and high rate of change. A very demanding task is how to make the data usable to data consumers. Data cannot make one's life better unless we provide her a way to find her expected 'needle' in such big data ocean. In this talk, I would like to give an overview of my works on improving the usability over heterogeneous data. In particular, we will talk about the usability and performance issues on structured data (e.g. relational data), semi-structured data (e.g. XML), unstructured data (e.g. text), spatial data, time-series data (e.g. trajectory), multimedia data (e.g. images and videos), and graph data (e.g. social network). Data from different domains is less useful without sharing, so at the end of the talk we bring up the topic of how to enhance information sharing over the social network, for the users by the users.