本文开发了用于构建,利用所有的交易价格信息,既包括单销售,重复销售房地产价格指数的新方法。该方法不易受到规范误差比标准享乐方法和不受参与只能依靠重复销售指数样本选择偏差。该方法采用使用了基于个体建筑水平,而不是单独的房子水平被用在重复销售方法出售配对处理一个模型设计。该方法的范围是从重复销售方法思路,可以容纳更广泛的数据集的方式。在方法论上的实证分析,我们拟合模型到私人住宅物业市场在新加坡1995年第一季度和第二季度至2014年间,覆盖主要价格波动和变化,政府的宏观审慎政策的几个时期。该指数被发现在外面的样本预测演习比任何S&P / Case-Shiller房价指数或基于标准的享乐方法索引性能要好得多。
余俊教授,1990年获得武汉大学学士学位,并于1998年获得加拿大西安大略大学经济学博士学位,现就职于新加坡管理大学,同时担任国际权威学术期刊《Econometric Theory》(计量经济学理论)和《Journal of Financial Econometrics》(金融计量学)的副主编。此外,余俊教授是国际金融计量学会(Society for Financial Econometrics) 的第一位亚洲理事,并于2011年被国际权威学术期刊 《Journal of Econometrics》 (计量经济学) 推选为 “Fellow of The Journal of Econometrics”,于2012年被国际金融计量学会推选为“Fellow of Society for Financial Econometrics”。与此同时,余俊教授还曾担任新加坡管理大学沈基文金融经济研究院 (Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics) 院长和研究院下属金融计量研究中心 (Center for Financial Econometrics) 主任。
原文:This paper develops a new methodology for constructing a real estate price index that utilizes all transaction price information, encompassing both single-sales and repeat-sales. The method is less susceptible to specification error than standard hedonic methods and is not subject to the sample selection bias involved in indexes that rely only on repeat sales. The methodology employs a model design that uses a sale pairing process based on the individual building level, rather than the individual house level as is used in the repeat-sales method. The approach extends ideas from repeat-sales methodology in a way that accommodates much wider datasets. In an empirical analysis of the methodology, we fit the model to the private residential property market in Singapore between Q1 1995 and Q2 2014, covering several periods of major price fluctuation and changes in government macroprudential policy. The index is found to perform much better in out-of-sample prediction exercises than either the S&P/Case-Shiller index or the index based on standard hedonic methods.