中国人民大学商学院开设了一场题为“Sustainable Healthcare Service Creation(如何建立可持续的医疗保健服务体系)”的讲座。商学院下设企业管理系、组织与人力资源系、市场营销系、管理科学与工程系、贸易经济系、会计系和财务与金融系等7个学系。讲座的主要内容是:
原文:Population dynamics and emergent technologies present a powerful opportunity for creation of healthcare services for smart aging. However, little is known about how to create sustainable healthcare services. By nature, the healthcare domain is characterized by problems with compliance and tensions among stakeholders. Further, services involve complex interactions that engage people as well as systems within which technology plays an important role. Creating services that are truly sustainable presents additional challenges. Traditional development approaches are insufficient to deal with these circumstances. This surfaces a wide range of issues with associated research opportunities. This seminar will seek to explore concepts and remove uncertainties towards sustainable healthcare service creation using examples in Chinese contexts.