伦敦政治经济学院Dong Lou老师在中国人民大学汉青经济与金融高级研究院作了一场题为“The Speed of Communication(传播的速度)”的讲座。中国人民大学“汉青经济与金融高级研究院”是中国人民大学顺应国际经济学科改革趋势,建立的新型研究与教育基地。它将在新体制下融会国际师资、借鉴国外研究与教学模式,实现“放眼国际、立足本土”的办学特色。讲座的主要内容是:
Dong Lou教授,伦敦政治经济学院副教授。他在2009年获得了博士学位在耶鲁大学,他财政部程度目前担任的管理科学与期刊实证金融的副主编。他的研究论文已发表在顶尖期刊融资,包括审查金融研究和金融经济学的。他的研究兴趣包括实证资产定价,行为金融和共同基金。
原文:We study the speed of effective communication among investors, by examining the trading behavior of target-firm shareholders and their neighbors in mergers and acquisitions, whereby the acquirer firm is from a different industry. We conjecture that once endowed with shares of the acquiring firm, target investors start gathering information about the acquirer industry (“patient zero”). Further, target investors communicate their newly acquired views with other investors in their neighborhood via word-of-mouth. Empirically, we find that in the year after acquisition completion, both target investors and their neighbors significantly increase their trading activity in the acquirer industry (excluding the acquirer firm itself). Drawing from research on disease transmission, we estimate an information transmission matrix to quantify the effective communication rate across investors and how it varies with (dis)similarities in social characteristics. Our results imply that a ten-year difference in age, a one-step difference in income and a ten-percent difference in male-female ratio reduces the communication rate by 33%, 28%, and 9%, respectively.