同济大学材料科学与工程学院邀请G. De Schutter教授作了一场题为“Damage to Concrete Structures(损坏混凝土结构)”的讲座,材料科学与工程学院设有土木工程材料、无机材料、高分子材料3个系,拥有材料科学与工程一级学科博士学位授权点和博士后流动站;材料学是国家首批建立的博士点学科(1981),也是首批国家重点学科(1987),并进入ESI国际学科排名全球前1%。学院拥有先进土木工程材料教育部重点实验室和上海市金属功能材料开发应用重点实验室,主办有中文核心期刊《建筑材料学报》。在职研究生讲座的主要内容是:
原文:The lectures will summarize the state-of-the-art information on the degradation of concrete structures, and will give a clear and comprehensive overview of what can go wrong. Offering a logical flow, the lectures are ordered according to the chronological timing of the actions leading to concrete damage,and will explain the different actions or mechanisms in a fundamental manner.The different causes of damage to concrete, including inappropriate design, errors during execution, mechanisms occurring during hardening of concrete, and actions or degradation mechanisms during service life (hardened concrete) will be described in the course. The degradation mechanisms are illustrated with numerous real-world examples of actual structures. The lectures will provide a deeper understanding of the damage that can occur to concrete during the construction process and service life.