本研究探讨套利的限制如何影响特质波动率的定价。在中国股市和限制 - 套利的其他常用措施同时使用独特的交易限制,我们构造的限制 - 套利的一个综合指标。在此基础上指数,我们发现,负面特质波动率溢价收益是更强大,更持久的股票套利的高限。此外,关于特质波动率溢价收益在现有的解释并不能完全解释我们找到套利限制的特质波动率的定价,在中国股市中的作用。我们的研究表明,在保护个人投资者的名义推出了贸易限制实际上会害了他们,因为套利这些额外的限制将提高证券市场的效率低下。
徐步,中国人民大学汉青经济与金融高级研究院金融学博士生(PhD candidate in Finance),2011年在中南财经政法大学取得经济学学士学位,2013年在中国人民大学取得经济学相关证书。他的研究兴趣为实证资产定价和中国证券市场。
原文:This study examines how limits of arbitrage can affect the pricing of idiosyncratic volatility. Using both unique trading constraints in the Chinese stock market and other commonly-used limits-of-arbitrage measures, we construct a comprehensive limits-of-arbitrage index. Based on this index, we find that the negative idiosyncratic volatility return premium is much stronger and more persistent in stocks with high limits of arbitrage. Furthermore, the existing explanations about the idiosyncratic volatility return premium cannot fully explain what we find about the role of limits of arbitrage in the pricing of idiosyncratic volatility in the Chinese stock market. Our study suggests that the trading constraints introduced in the name of protecting individual investors can actually hurt them, since these additional limits of arbitrage will increase the inefficiency of the security market.