北京大学地球与空间科学学院珠宝鉴赏与珠宝文化课程(Jewelry Appreciation and Jewelry Culture)由王长秋博士,崔文元教授,王时麒教授三位老师讲授。珠宝玉石是大自然数百万年孕育并奉献给人类的宝贵精华,是人类认识自然的重要对象之一。
As a precious essence born in nature for millions of years, jewelry is one of important objects in understanding of human to nature. In this course, using modern teaching means, basic characteristics of main varieties, identification and evaluation, aesthetic appreciation of jewelry and the development of Chinese jade and jade carving art will be taught and discussed, in order to enable students to acquire the basic concepts of jewelry, main gem varieties, processing technology, identification and evaluation methods, aesthetic appreciation, and to understand the historical and cultural position of Chinese ancient jade, style and process characteristics of jade production during each historical period and their relationships to the historical background and the level of development of productive forces, and to know the features of Chinese jade carving art and modern jewelry culture.