讲座题目:What Friendship Entails? A Full Social Network Analysis of Three Cohorts of Graduate Students
主讲人:杨松副教授 (University of Arkansas)
Little is known about the social networks of graduate students, although they spend a considerable amount of time in their academic departments serving various functions. This study collects social network data from three cohorts of graduate students using personal interviews and full network method. The initial personal interviews with a few respondents reveal that their ties with other graduate students entails mere classmates and friendship, which can be broken down further as friends of academic issues, friends of academic and general experiences of school/graduate life, and friends as confidants. In the subsequent full network study, I ask each graduate student to evaluate its ties with other graduate students, first with a binary version (presence/absence of friendship), second with ranking scales (classmates, academic partners, general experiences partners, and confidants). Combining both the binary and valued networks, I found that among the 112 dyadic pairs in which friend is nominated by the senders, 42 percent refers to academic partners, 35 percent refers to partners of academic and general experiences of graduate life, and 22 percent refers to confidants. Multiple regressions are also used to determine how the nominations of friend and high intensity relations are affected by similarities in sex, race, and age.