研究领域: 英国近代史、欧洲近代政治外交史、英国国家档案与古文献学
2001-2005 台湾大学(National Taiwan University)历史学系本科
2006-2007 英国伯明翰大学(University of Birmingham)历史所宗教改革与近代早期研究硕士 (Master of Arts, Reformation and Early Modern Studies)
2008-2014 英国约克大学(University of York)历史学博士
2014-至今 中国人民大学历史系讲师
Hsuan-Ying Tu, ‘The Politics of Intelligence Gathering: Sir Edward Stafford’s Embassy in France (1583-1590)’, Collectanea of History NCCU 18 (2010), pp. 63-98.
‘Walsingham’s Spying on Catholics in Paris’, 4th Annual Graduate Conference, University of York, UK, 2009.10.16
‘The Intelligence System in Queen Elizabeth I’s reign from 1568 to 1588’, Taiwan Scientific Symposium York 2010, York, 2010.02.20
‘Francis Walsingham, Counter-plot, and Elizabethan Faction’, 5th Annual Conference of the Taiwanese Society of Young Academics for Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe, Madrid, 2012.03.16
‘荣耀上帝:弗朗西斯.华辛汉之情报操作与伊丽莎白一世中期政治,1568-1588’, 第二十二回台湾世界史讨论会,台湾中兴大学历史学系, 台湾台中市, 2013.09.27
‘The Study of High Politics’, 欧洲史研究专题系列讲座,台湾政治大学历史学系, 台湾台北市, 2014.03.18
‘The Dispersal of Francis Walsingham’s Papers’, Early Modernists and the Archives, 1400-1800, Institute for Historical Research, London, 2014.06.10
‘A “Rule Mixte”? Elizabeth I’s Queenship and the Control of Information’, 8th Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2014.10.24-25