高等数学II Altitude Math Ⅱ
线性代数II Linear Algebra Ⅱ
概率统计II Probability and Mathematics StatisticⅡ
管理学原理 Introduction to Management
微观经济学 Microeconomics
宏观经济学 Macroeconomics
会计学 Accounting principle
统计学 statistic
大学语文 College Chinese
经济法 Economic Laws
管理运筹学 Operation Research
交通运输管理概论 Introduction to Communication & Transportation Management
物流学概论 Fundamentals of Logistics
集装箱与多式联运 Containers and Multimodal Through Transport
物流成本管理 Logistics Cost Management
供应链管理(英语) Supply Chain Management(English)
物流系统规划与设计 Logistics System Planing and Designing
配送中心运作与设计 Operations and design of Distribution Center
采购与仓储管理 Purchasing and Warehousing Management
商品学(材料、包装、检验) Merchandise Research(Material, Package, Inspection)
ERP原理与应用 ERP Principle ane Application
物流方案策划 Logistical Scheme Planning
国际货运代理 International Freight Agent
物流管理案例 Logistical Management Cases
物流设施与装备 Logistics Implement and Operating Practice
国际贸易实务 International Trade Practice