西弗吉尼亚大学John Goldwasser教授在中国人民大学信息学院作了题为子图的拷贝在n立方体和完美周期的最大密度的讲座,信息产业需要计算机科学与技术、信息系统与信息管理、数学基础与理论等各方面的专业人才和复合人才。中国人民大学信息学院正是培养信息领域高素质专业人才的基地。John Goldwasser教授讲座的主要内容是:
在n-立方体,记QN,是图,其顶点是组二进制正元组,具有两个顶点相邻的,当且仅当它们的不同之处正是一个坐标。设H是一组顶点的在QD,对于某些固定e。对d立方体密度的H,表示为π(H,D),是限制如正进行到的最大分数的无穷大,过QN的顶点的所有子集S,子的d的立方体,其交叉点以S是H的(H,4)≥3/32的精确副本不难证明π,每一套在第四季度的顶点。让C2D表示一个“完美”的二维周期 - 周期,其中每对相对的顶点是汉明距离d分开。我们表明,π(C8,4)= 3/32。因此,第四季度是最困难的子图在一个大的正立方体创造大量的副本。我们猜想,同样是C2D的适用于任何D> 3的所有子图QD之间。
John Goldwasser是美国西弗吉尼亚大学数学系教授,上海交通大学客座教授。他是极值组合和图论研究领域的著名学者,在JCTA,JGT等国际著名的杂志上发表了50多篇论文,是立方体上图论问题的研究专家。
原文:The n-cube, denoted Qn, is the graph whose vertices are the set of binary n-tuples, with two vertices adjacent if and only if they differ in precisely one coordinate. Let H be a set of vertices in Qd, for some fixed d. The d-cube-density of H, denoted π(H,d), is the limit as n goes to infinity of the maximum fraction, over all subsets S of the vertices of Qn, of sub-d-cubes whose intersection with S is an exact copy of H. It is not hard to show that π(H,4) ≥ 3/32 for every set of vertices in Q4. Let C2d denote a “perfect” 2d-cycle – a cycle where each pair of opposite vertices is Hamming distance d apart. We show that π(C8,4) = 3/32. So it is the subgraph of Q4 most difficult to create lots of copies of in a large n-cube. We conjecture that the same is true of C2d among all sub-graphs of Qd for any d>3.
To obtain our result we found an equivalent problem counting the number of sequences of length d of an n-set with a certain property. To solve the sequence problem we needed to determine which bipartite graph with n vertices induces the most copies of the graph on four vertices with two disjoint edges.